Why Survivors of Sexual Assault Are Hesitant to Tell Their Story
Those who have never experienced sexual abuse or assault in their lifetime may find it difficult to understand why survivors do not come forward and call out their perpetrators. Although every survivor's story is different, most fear victim-blaming and social alienation. They may also worry that no one will believe their story or that speaking out will bring disgrace to their family. If you or a loved one are survivors of sexual assault, understand that speaking up can pave the road to healing. Here are some steps to help you move forward in telling your story.
Speak Up When You're Ready
You should never feel pressured to tell your story. Sexual assault or abuse is a highly personal and traumatic experience. When you decide it's time to tell your story to a friend, family member, romantic partner, or the authorities, it's essential to do it on your terms and when you are ready. Speaking out under pressure can be triggering. However, if you want to speak out but need help with encouragement, read on to learn how seeking professional help can help you gain courage.
Seek Professional Help
Seeking out professional help after sexual assault can help survivors work through their trauma and assist in the healing process. Often survivors of sexual assault want to forget what happened and avoid speaking about it to avoid reliving the pain. Still, a professional therapist or counselor can guide you on managing the triggers.
Find a Support Group
There's strength in numbers, and finding a support group of survivors can help you understand that you are not alone. Sharing your experience in a support group setting can help you get more comfortable with speaking about your experience and may help you move toward speaking out against your perpetrator.
Why Speaking Out is Healing
According to Psychology Today, there is healing power in telling your trauma story (sexual assault, abuse, or other experienced traumatic events) and states the following benefits of talking about the experience:
- Feelings of shame about the incident subside
- Shifting in negative beliefs about themselves
- Revisiting and remembering the trauma becomes less triggering
Learn How Helps Survivors
The long-term effects of sexual assault on survivors are unimaginable physical, emotional, and psychological pain. Feeling alone and scared can make it difficult to speak out against your perpetrator and get help. Feelings of shame, guilt, and worry that they will not be believed are the most common reasons survivors stay silent. At , we understand the challenges survivors face. We believe you, and when you are ready to speak out, we are here to support you and guide you throughout the process of holding your perpetrator accountable for their heinous actions.
We are prepared to defend your right to seek compensation. Contact us today at (833) 456-3529 to learn your rights.