What’s the Difference Between Sexual Assault and Rape?

Understanding the Definitions of Sexual Assualt and Rape

Sexual assault and rape are two very different topics and challenging to discuss, especially for survivors. While the two terms may have different meanings, they share one thing: they are heinous crimes that cause life-long physical, mental and emotional difficulties. Before reading on, please be aware that some of the content may be triggering for survivors.

Sexual Assualt vs. Rape

The definition of sexual assault varies from state to state, but it generally refers to non-consensual sexual contact or behavior. This can include unwanted kissing, touching, fondling, oral sex, anal sex, digital penetration, and penetration with an object.

Rape is a form of sexual assault, but it specifically refers to the penetration of the vagina or anus without the victim's consent. It can also refer to penetration of the mouth with a body part or object without the victim's consent.

Sexual Assault and Rape Have Life-Long Consequences

We understand how difficult it can be when it comes to talking about experiences with sexual assault and rape. Sexual assault and rape are serious crimes that can have a lasting impact on survivors, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and more. Know that you are not alone, and there are many ways survivors can seek justice for the harm caused. Having an experienced sexual assault lawyer on your side can help you seek closure and move on with your life.

Many resources are available to help you heal and get through this difficult time. Click the link below to get in touch with a support center today.

KMD Law is Here to Help

We are here to help you seek justice and lend support through a difficult time. If you or a loved one is a survivor of sexual assault, we are ready to hold your perpetrator accountable for their heinous actions. You are not alone. When ready to speak out and share your story, we are ready to listen and guide you every step of the way.

Contact us today at (833) 456-3529 for a free and confidential consultation.
