A group of people waving the transgender flag

The High Levels of Sexual Assault on Transgender People

Understanding the Prevalence of Sexual Assault on Transgender People

Transgender people experience higher levels of sexual assault and abuse compared to the rest of the population. The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey found that 47% of transgender respondents had been sexually assaulted at some point, with 26% reporting having been assaulted in the previous year alone. These numbers are likely underestimates, as many transgender people do not feel safe reporting abuse due to fear of further violence or discrimination. Here’s what you need to know.

Why Are Transgender People at High Risk of Sexual Assault?

While all people are at risk of sexual assault, transgender people face unique vulnerabilities. Transphobia and discrimination make it difficult for many transgender people to access safe housing and employment, increasing their exposure to violence. Additionally, the stigma associated with being transgender can make it harder for survivors to speak out and seek help.

Many barriers prevent transgender people from accessing help and support after experiencing sexual violence and some people do not feel safe or welcome in victim services agencies, such as rape crisis centers. This is often due to a lack of knowledge and understanding about the unique needs of transgender survivors. Read on to learn how to get help.

National Resources for Transgender Sexual Assault Survivors

There is a pressing need for more resources and support for transgender survivors of sexual abuse. Service providers must be trained to meet the specific needs of this population, and systems must be in place to ensure that transgender people can access the help they need without fear or judgment. Only then can we hope to address the high levels of sexual violence against transgender people.

If you are a transgender survivor of sexual assault, national resources are available to help you. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) has a page dedicated to resources for transgender survivors, ensuring that transgender people can access safe and affirming care. Only by addressing the root causes of violence can we hope to create a society where all people are safe and valued.

Related Article: Sexual Violence Statistics in Transgender and Non-Binary Communities

How Transgender People Can Get Legal Help After Sexual Assault

Transgender people are disproportionately affected by sexual assault. To get help after experiencing sexual assault, it is crucial to know where to find legal assistance.

It is important to remember that you are not alone and that you are not responsible for the assault. The perpetrator is responsible for their actions and should be held accountable. At KMD Law, we believe you and are here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us today at (833) 456-3529 to learn your rights.
